Book Recomendations from 2013 Continued

Strange Fire- John MacArthur

Some people have accused Dr. MacArthur for being divisive in the body of Christ; however this book is both an excellent read, and a great tool to help us think through the various issues that relate to the contemporary debate swirling around the Charismatic movement. I highly recommend this book, and purchased it the day it came out.  His section of fallible prophets and the tests proposed by Jonathan Edwards and applied in this book were especially helpful.  I also highly recommending going to the Grace to You, Youtube channel to watch the video messages from the Strange Fire Conference hosted this past fall.  It was very good.

The Transforming Power of the Gospel- Jerry Bridges

Jerry Bridges writes in a very conversational style, which I enjoy.  This book was like sitting in the living room having a conversation with a dear seasoned saint about the gospel and its implication on both my righteous standing before God, and the nature of growth into Christ-likeness over the course of my Christian life.  I have given out several copies here in Ghana, and highly recommend it.  If you want to sharpen your understanding of the gospel, then this is a great read for you.

Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World- John MacArthur

How is pragmatism and worldliness shaping the American church?  Dr. MacArthur addresses this issue in a very helpful manner.  At what point in the American church did these many pragmatic practices infiltrate the church, and which 19th century figure’s theology so shaped many of these serious deviations in the church?  I highly recommend this book.

Author: Joel and Deanna Porcher

Joel and Deanna Porcher are church planting missionaries to Ghana West Africa.

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